Slide 1

Soft Bioelectronic Materials

Construction of tissue-like soft bioelectronic materials and devices through rational molecular design and engineering

Slide 2

Integrated Healthcare Devices

Hybrid bioelectronic systems through seamless integration of flexible circuits and conducting adhesive tissue interfaces

Slide 3

Remote Neuromodulation

High-precision control of biological activities through bottom-up synthesis of semiconducting structures

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The Jiang Group is an interdisciplinary team working in the field of bioelectronics, with people from materials science, molecular engineering, and biomedical engineering backgrounds. Through fundamental innovations in material design and device fabrication, we are passionate about transforming breakthroughs in physical sciences and engineering into novel tools to address unmet medical needs. Please contact Dr. Jiang if you are interested in developing bioelectronic materials and devices for precision health. 

Lab openings are available at all levels including Postdocs, Ph.D., Master’s, Undergraduate, and High School students. We are committed to creating a diverse and inclusive environment for everyone in the group. Please send your CV to Dr. Jiang (



  • Yewei Huang received the SEAS Outstanding Teaching Award for PhD Students. Congratulations!
  • Tianyu Cai received the SEAS Outstanding Research Award for Master’s Students. Congratulations!


  • Rena Kaplan, our high school summer intern in 2023, has been admitted to Penn MSE. Congratulations Rena!


  • Yuhang Ye joined the group as a postdoctoral scholar.
  • Yuhui Wang joined the group as a Ph.D. student in Materials Science and Engineering.
  • Surreys Zheng joined the group as a Master’s student in Bioengineering.
  • Lingfeng Tang joined the group as a Master’s student in Materials Science and Engineering.


  • Brock Horton from the University of Alabama joined the group as a SUNFEST REU student.
  • Rena Kaplan from the Baldwin School joined the group as a high school summer intern.


  • Runjin Zhu joined the group as a Master’s student in Bioengineering.


  • Yewei Huang joined the group as a Ph.D. student in Materials Science and Engineering.
  • Tianyu Cai joined the group as a Master’s student in Bioengineering.
  • Yaxin Fan joined the group as a Master’s student in Chemical Science.
  • The Jiang group officially opened at Penn MSE.
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